For you enjoyment, DAVE comes with a library of assets. Some of them more complete than others. But all of them built according specs, within budget and 0.0 LTI.


Cheetah is the fastest vessel of the fleet. It has a single crane. The lift capacity is mainly limited by the ballast capacity of the vessel.

Displacement: 53291 m3

The model contains:

  • shape based buoyancy
  • ballast tanks
  • hydrodynamic data for a draft of 6.75m created with Capytaine

The Cheetah features a swimming pool and is good for lifting Christmas trees.


Billy (bok) is composed of elements of other vessels. It has the crane boom of the cheetah and the hull is a typical barge.

The model contains:

  • shape based buoyancy
  • ballast tanks
  • hydrodynamic data for a draft of 4.0m created with Capytaine


Eight legs and two arms. Wants to be the biggest crane vessel in the world.

The model contains:

  • shape based buoyancy
  • two mast cranes


Small but strong. Can be duplicated to work in a pack.

The model contains:

  • shape based buoyancy


Can carry the world on its back.

The model contains:

  • shape based buoyancy


No need for a name.

The model contains:

  • shape based buoyancy
  • ballast tanks
  • hydrodynamic data for a draft of 4.0 m created with Capytaine